Step 1: You are Worthy

It’s not selfish to want more.

As you travel on your journey of re-remembering who you are, expansion can be scary. Leaning in to the teacher of fear when triggers can arise can often feel comfortable or familiar. Like your favorite childhood blanket. 

What is really happening here is your fears, your triggers are messages. The emotions are messengers. They are surfacing (or resurfacing - because, let’s be honest, healing is not linear) to present you with a new opportunity to look a layer deeper inward - more closely in the mirror at yourself.

What if you were to level up, have more?

What are the feelings that arise for you when you think of stepping into the most authentic, highest timeline version of you?

Take a look at your responses, observe your reactions and get curious about where you feel those in your body. No judgements! Allowing yourself the space and grace to breathe as it all flows in. As you identify where in your body the emotions have made a home, and if you are comfortable to do so, ask them what they are trying to communicate to you?

As you actively engage with transforming the energy in your body, healing through the layers of emotions, intimately getting reacquainted with your soul’s language, you are offering yourself the opportunity to heal within by listening to the answers that are already otherwise inside of you. You now have a key to your own door to pivot back towards the teacher of love - towards alignment with your heart’s song and soul purpose.

BUT, before you do any of that, you must first (very simply and perhaps very complicatedly) believe that you are worthy. Worthy of more peace, health, joy, stability, safety, abundance, wealth, - worthy of it all.

So go on.

Unlock your worthiness.


Try This, Instead of That